Python Rgonomics

Switching languages is about switching mindsets - not just syntax. New developments in python data science toolings, like polars and seaborn’s object interface, can capture the ‘feel’ that converts from R/tidyverse love while opening the door to truly pythonic workflows

Emily Riederer


December 30, 2023

Photo credit to the inimitable Allison Horst

Interoperability was a key theme in open-source data languages in 2023. Ongoing innovations in Arrow (a language-agnostic in-memory standard for data storage), growing adoption of Quarto (the language-agnostic heir apparent to R Markdown), and even pandas creator Wes McKinney joining Posit (the language-agnostic rebranding of RStudio) all illustrate the ongoing investment in breaking down barriers between different programming languages and paradigms.

Despite these advances in technical interoperability, individual developers will always face more friction than state-of-the-art tools when moving between languages. Learning a new language is easily enough done; programming 101 concepts like truth tables and control flow translate seamlessly. But ergonomics of a language do not. The tips and tricks we learn to be hyper productive in a primary language are comfortable, familiar, elegant, and effective. They just feel good. Working in a new language, developers often face a choice between forcing their favored workflows into a new tool where they may not “fit”, writing technically correct yet plodding code to get the job done, or approaching a new language as a true beginner to learn it’s “feel” from the ground up.

Fortunately, some of these higher-level paradigms have begun to bleed across languages, enriching previously isolated tribes with the and enabling developers to take their advanced skillsets with them across languages. For any R users who aim to upskill in python in 2024, recent tools and versions of old favorites have made strides in converging the R and python data science stacks. In this post, I will overview some recommended tools that are both truly pythonic while capturing the comfort and familiarity of some favorite R packages of the tidyverse variety.1

What this post is not

Just to be clear:

  • This is not a post about why python is better than R so R users should switch all their work to python
  • This is not a post about why R is better than python so R semantics and conventions should be forced into python
  • This is not a post about why python users are better than R users so R users need coddling
  • This is not a post about why R users are better than python users and have superior tastes for their toolkit
  • This is not a post about why these python tools are the only good tools and others are bad tools

If you told me you liked the New York’s Museum of Metropolitan Art, I might say that you might also like Chicago’s Art Institute. That doesn’t mean you should only go to the museum in Chicago or that you should never go to the Louvre in Paris. That’s not how recommendations (by human or recsys) work. This is an “opinionated” post in the sense that “I like this” and not opinionated in the sense that “you must do this”.

On picking tools

The tools I highlight below tend to have two competing features:

  • They have aspects of their workflow and ergonomics that should feel very comfortable to users of favored R tools
  • They should be independently accepted, successful, and well-maintained python projects with the true pythonic spirit

The former is important because otherwise there’s nothing tailored about these recommendations; the latter is important so users actually engage with the python language and community instead of dabbling around in its more peripheral edges. In short, these two principles exclude tools that are direct ports between languages with that as their sole or main benefit.2

For example, siuba and plotnine were written with the direct intent of mirroring R syntax. They have seen some success and adoption, but more niche tools come with liabilities. With smaller user-bases, they tend to lack in the pace of development, community support, prior art, StackOverflow questions, blog posts, conference talks, discussions, others to collaborate with, cache in a portfolio, etc. Instead of enjoying the ergonomics of an old language or embracing the challenge of learning a new one, ports can sometimes force developers to invest energy into a “secret third thing” of learning tools that isolate them from both communities and facing inevitable snags by themselves.

When in Rome, do as the Romans do – but if you’re coming from the U.S. that doesn’t mean you can’t bring a universal adapter that can help charge your devices in European outlets.

The stack

WIth that preamble out of the way, below are a few recommendations for the most ergonomic tools for getting set up, conducting core data analysis, and communication results.

To preview these recommendations:

Set Up




  • Environment Management: pdm
  • Code Quality: ruff

For setting up

The first hurdle is often getting started – both in terms of installing the tools you’ll need and getting into a comfortable IDE to run them.

  • Installation: R keeps installation simple; there’s one way to do it so you do and it’s done. But before python converts can print("hello world"), they face a range of options (system Python, Python installer UI, Anaconda, Miniconda, etc.) each with its own kinks. These decisions are made harder in Python since projects tend to have stronger dependencies of the language, requiring one to switch between versions. For both of these reasons, I favor the pyenv (or pyenv-win for those on Windows) for easily managing python installation(s) from the command line. While the installation process of pyenv may be technically different, it’s similar in that it “just works” with just a few commands:
    • pyenv install --list: To see what python versions are available to install
    • pyenv install <version number>: To install a specific version
    • pyenv versions: To see what python versions are installed on your system
    • pyenv global <version number>: The set one python version as a global default
    • pyenv local <version number>: The set a python version to be used within a specific directory/project
  • Integrated Development Environment: Once R is install, R users are typically off to the races with the intuitive RStudio IDE which helps them get immediately hands-on with the REPL. With the UI divided into quadrants, users can write an R script, run it to see results in the console, conceptualize what the program “knows” with the variable explorer, and navigate files through a file explorer. Once again, python is not lacking in IDE options, but users are confronted with yet another decision point before they even get started. Pycharm, Sublime, Spyder, Eclipse, Atom, Neovim, oh my! I find that VS Code offers the best functionality. It’s rich extension ecosystem also means that most major tools (e.g. Quarto, git, linters and stylers, etc.) have nice add-ons so, like RStudio, you can customize your platform to perform many side-tasks in plaintext or with the support of extra UI components.3

For data analysis

As data practitioners know, we’ll spend most of our time on cleaning and wrangling. As such, R users may struggle particularly to abandon their favorite tools for exploratory data analysis like dplyr and ggplot2. Fans of those packages often appreciate how their functional paradigm helps achieve a “flow state”. Precise syntax may differ, but new developments in the python wrangling stack provide increasingly close analogs to some of these beloved Rgonomics.

  • Data Wrangling: Although pandas is undoubtedly the best-known wrangling tool in the python space, I believe the growing polars project offers the best experience for a transitioning developer (along with other nice-to-have benefits like being dependency free and blazingly fast). polars may feel more natural and less error-prone to R users for may reasons:
    • it has more internal consistent (and similar to dplyr) syntax such as select, filter, etc. and has demonstrated that the project values a clean API (e.g. recently renaming groupby to group_by)
    • it does not rely on the distinction between columns and indexes which can feel unintuitive and introduces a new set of concepts to learn
    • it consistently returns copies of dataframes (while pandas sometimes alters in-place) so code is more idempotent and avoids a whole class of failure modes for new users
    • it enables many of the same “advanced” wrangling workflows in dplyr with high-level, semantic code like making the transformation of multiple variables at once fast with column selectors, concisely expressing window functions, and working with nested data (or what dplyr calls “list columns”) with lists and structs
    • supporting users working with increasingly large data. Similar to dplyr’s many backends (e.g. dbplyr), polars can be used to write lazily-evaluated, optimized transformations and it’s syntax is reminiscent of pyspark should users ever need to switch between
  • Visualization: Even some of R’s critics will acknowledge the strength of ggplot2 for visualization, both in terms of it’s intuitive and incremental API and the stunning graphics it can produce. seaborn’s object interface seems to strike a great balance between offering a similar workflow (which cites ggplot2 as an inspiration) while bringing all the benefits of using an industry-standard tool

For communication

Historically, one possible dividing line between R and python has been framed as “python is good at working with computers, R is good at working with people”. While that is partially inspired by reductive takes that R is not production-grade, it is not without truth that the R’s academic roots spurred it to overinvest in a rich “communication stack” and translating analytical outputs into human-readable, publishable outputs. Here, too, the gaps have begun to close.

  • Tables: R has no shortage of packages for creating nicely formatted tables, an area that has historically lacked a bit in python both in workflow and outcomes. Barring strong competition from the native python space, the one “port” I am bullish about is the recently announced Great Tables package. This is a pythonic clone of R’s gt package. I’m more comfortable recommending this since it’s maintained by the same developer as the R version (to support long-term feature parity), backed by an institution not just an individual (to ensure it’s not a short-lived hobby project), and the design feels like it does a good job balancing R inspiration with pythonic practices
  • Computational notebooks: Jupyter Notebooks are widely used, widely critiqued parts of many python workflows. While the ability to mix markdown and code chunks. However, notebooks can introduce new types of bugs for the uninitiated; for example, they are hard to version control and easy to execute in the wrong environment. For those coming from the world of R Markdown, plaintext computational notebooks like Quarto may provide a more transparent development experience. While Quarto allows users to write in .qmd files which are more like their .rmd predecessors, its renderer can also handle Jupyter notebooks to enable collaboration across team members with different preferences


A few more tools may be helpful and familiar to some R users who tend towards the more “developer” versus “analyst” side of the spectrum. These, in my mind, have even more varied pros and cons, but I’ll leave them for consideration:

  • Environment Management: Joining the python world means never having to settle on an environment management tool for installing packages. There’s a truly overwhelming number of ways to manage project-level dependencies (virtualenv, conda, piptools, pipenv, poetry, and that doesn’t even scratch the surface) with different pros and cons and phenomenal amount of ink/pixels have been spilled over litigating these trade-offs. Putting all that aside, lately, I’ve been favoring pdm because it prioritizes features I care most about (auto-updating pyproject.toml, isolating dependencies from dependencies-of-dependencies, active development and error handling, mostly just works pretty undramatically)
  • Developer Tools: ruff provides a range of linting and styling options (think R’s lintr and styler) and provides a one-stop-shop over what can be an overwhelming number of atomic tools in this space (isort, black, flake8, etc.). ruff is super fast, has a nice VS Code extension, and, while this class of tools is generally considered more advanced, I think linters can be a fantastic “coach” for new users about best practices

More to come!

Each recommendation here itself could be its own tutorial or post. In particular, I hope to showcase the Rgonomics of polars, seaborn, and great_tables in future posts.